Trademark is a recognizable sign, design or expression that distinguish your business with others. Trademark owner can be individual, business organization or any legal entity. Trademark is an intangible asset which is used to protect company’s brand or symbol. Trademark should be should be unique and not resembled with existing sign, design or expression.
Filing of Trademark Application-1 Day
Examination ofTrademark – 2 to 4 months.
Registration of Trademark – 4 to 6 months.
TM registration helps in protecting brand which helps in creating a unique identity.
TM is form of property which is an intangible asset of the entity. It can be sold, transferred or commercially contracted.
TM helps to secure your brand value by protecting its similar use by the competitors. In case competitor uses its, one can sue the same.
Registered Trademark create a sense of trust and confidence that you care about your brand.
For Individual/Proprietorship
For Partnership / LLP / Company